Fast Natural Weight Loss Tips

Fast Natural Weight Loss Tips

Paleolithic Diet Tips for Fast Track Weight Loss

Fast Natural Weight Loss Tips

  • These are weight loss tips for the natural Paleolithic Diet, the fast track diet to health and natural weight loss. In this first section, review what matches your needs for fat loss.
  • On the Natural Weight Loss Diet page of our website, we looked at the kind of foods our ancestors ate, which are natural for us to eat.
  • We discovered that the best foods for weight loss, or for curing or avoiding obesity, are similar to the type of foods that our Pleistocene (Paleolithic) ancestors ate.
  • If you have already read that web page, it may appear that there is no real problem because all we have to do is to eat and move like our Pleistocene ancestors. However, there have been changes since that era and we face different problems.

If you have not yet read that web page, you might first want to do so.

to the Natural Weight Loss Paleolithic Diet

Here on the natural weight loss tips page, we look at some of the problems we face.

Then we go on to give you concrete solutions based on our extensive research on natural weight loss and the cure for obesity.

However, without first clearly understanding the problem, you would not know what you were aiming for.

Natural Weight Loss Tips: 1

The Purpose and the Problem

  • The first point to be made about using any weight loss tips is to understand their purpose. Here at lasting weight, our initial best tips concern food and exercise if you want to lose weight and achieve permanent fat loss.
  • With respect to exercising more, if you use the free plan set out on the Trinity of Exercises page [listed on the navigation buttons], you will be exercising sufficiently like our active ancestors. That is one-half of your journey to permanent weight loss.
  • The second half is food.
  • With respect to eating as our ancient ancestors ate, it's no longer possible.
  • Nonetheless, we must aim to get as close to it as possible if we want either permanent weight loss or a cure for obesity.
  • Let's briefly look first at plants and then at animals.

Natural Weight Loss Tips: 2

The Plants

  • With respect to weight loss tips that apply to eating plant foods, there is a big difference between eating wild plant foods and eating cultivated plant foods.
  • Wild plants seek their own reproductive advantages, so they have abundant seeds and thick exteriors. They have more protein, fiber, and calcium than cultivated plants. They have low sugar, and they have less starch than cultivated plants.
  • Though concerned to use weight loss tips, today's grocery shoppers seek seedless fruits with thin exteriors. They demand sweet, juicy produce without blemishes.
  • Modern agriculture depends upon fertilizers, pesticides, and preservatives. It also depends upon irrigation, which raises soil salinity, as well as a vast transportation system.
  • Early farmers concentrated on a few plants—mostly grains—because they could cultivate them more easily. This led to relying on too few plants. Such farming led to crop failure, plant diseases, soil erosion, soil exhaustion, and grains with less nutritive value.
  • For example, wild grains in Turkey today have twice as much protein as domesticated grains are grown in roughly the same place.
  • Furthermore, our ancestors had no refrigerators, freezers, or efficient transportation systems. When, for example, they ate fruit, there was no time lag between picking it and eating it. There was no opportunity for the fruit to degrade.
  • Nowadays, how many weeks have passed from the time a fruit is picked to the time we buy it at the grocery store?

Natural Weight Loss Tips: 3

The Animals

  • Similarly, with respect to weight loss tips that apply to flesh foods, there is a big difference between eating wild flesh foods and eating domesticated flesh foods.
  • The domestication of plants made it relatively easy to raise crops and feed them to animals. It was easier to use domestic animals like cows, sheep, pigs, goats, and horses than hunt their wild ancestors.
  • Domesticated red meats contain much more fat than wild meat. There's also much less variety; in today's supermarket, it's generally possible to purchase flesh from just three kinds of large animals (cattle, pigs, and young sheep) and two kinds of small animals (chicken and turkey).
  • Our Pleistocene ancestors from sub-Saharan Africa did not have available wild meat from large animals on a daily basis, but, when hunts were successful, they had available a greater variety of much leaner meat. It's unlikely they ever worried about weight loss tips.
  • They also ate many different kinds of small animals such as birds and rabbits as well as many that we don't usually eat such as rodents and reptiles.
  • Furthermore, unlike us, our Pleistocene ancestors only infrequently (when they could find honey) ingested nutrient-null ("empty") calories. That's another reason they would have had no need for weight loss tips. The only other carbohydrates they ate were unprocessed.

Natural Weight Loss Tips: 4

The Modern World

What does all this mean in practice?

It is no longer possible to duplicate the nutritive contents of the foods eaten by our Pleistocene ancestors. Furthermore, because of the modern world we live in, we have micronutrient requirements that they didn't have.


  • Even though our bodies have changed very little, the environment we live in has changed considerably. When designing effective weight loss tips one should not ignore this fact.
  • Living in close proximity to animals has led to some of the most serious infectious diseases we humans have ever encountered, diseases such as smallpox, measles, bird flu, and tuberculosis.
  • Furthermore, just as farming made the grains less diverse, less nutritionally valuable, and less hardy, so raising animals made the animals less diverse, less nutritionally valuable, and less hardy.
  • There have been great benefits from the Agricultural Revolution. For example, those of us fortunate enough to live in developed countries need to spend very little time producing and preparing food. Without cities, there would not have been great civilizations, and cities could not have existed without the Agricultural Revolution.

Natural Weight Loss Tips: 5

No Free Lunch!

  • The blessings of civilization have been immense. However, there is no free lunch. There is a price to pay.
  • There were no epidemics or pandemics in the Pleistocene.
  • The domestication of plants and animals gave us a more plentiful food supply, but it was a less reliable and less healthy one. One of the consequences of the Agricultural Revolution is that we now have a need for weight loss tips!
  • It wasn't just the new infectious diseases spawned by the Agricultural Revolution that are troublesome. It also created higher infant mortality, reduced our stature, and caused iron deficiency, bone disorders, chronic anemia, poor dental health, and a shorter lifespan.
  • Would you agree that optimum health is the ultimate purpose of utilizing weight loss tips? We presume that you are visiting our website in order to determine what to do to achieve lasting weight loss. If you are too fat, then good for you in seeking out effective weight loss tips!
  • Please, though, ask yourself a more inclusive question: "What should I do to achieve optimum health?"
  • After all, what would be the point of becoming less fat only to get type 2 diabetes or heart disease? It's important to keep lasting weight loss in context.
  • The quantity of grains we consume is causing ill health as well as weight gain and obesity.
  • Since we don't utilize the energy from all the carbohydrates we ingest, the determining factor with respect to being too fat is energy output, not energy input. In other words, exercise is more important than nutrition with respect to being too fat.
  • Instead of thinking of being too fat as due to overeating, please begin thinking of it as due to under-exercising. Exercise alone, however, isn't sufficient for optimum health. That's why the program presented here at isn't solely concerned with exercising well.
  • It's also critical to eat healthy foods if you want to be as healthy as possible.
  • In particular, we must eliminate or drastically reduce our consumption of refined carbohydrates.

Natural Weight Loss Tips: 6

Eating for Health and Weight Loss

  • Our food preferences are not accidental. They evolved in our ancestors to solve certain Pleistocene problems (but we don't now have those problems).
  • We prefer foods that are rich in sugar, fat, salt, and protein, and we prefer to avoid foods that are bitter, sour, or toxic.
  • Our Holocene environment is quite different from the Pleistocene environment of our ancestors.
  • For example, suppose you frequently indulge your preference for refined (processed) carbohydrates. An excess of sugary or starchy foods causes blood glucose levels to rise. That stimulates an outpouring of insulin to dispose of the glucose.
  • If such foods are eaten by themselves, our bodies often overshoot the mark and lower blood glucose levels too much. That causes us to be hungry, or we have cravings, and we may reach for a donut, biscuits, chocolate, a chunk of bread, or whatever. As a result, we get fatter.
  • Our Pleistocene ancestors could not indulge in that way. Honey, for example, was an infrequent treat; there were not many alternative treats. Furthermore, being too fat was incompatible with survival.

Today, two-thirds of us are too fat!

We have sweet or starchy high carbohydrate foods available 24/7.

Being too fat is associated with type 2 diabetes. Unfortunately, there is no cure for type 2 diabetes. It's avoidable by adopting a Pleistocene lifestyle, but, once you have type 2 diabetes, you have it.

Exercising and reducing body fat may slow down the course of the illness, but it's much, much better never to become diabetic in the first place. The same is true for many other diseases caused by our poor dietary and exercise habits.

Natural Weight Loss Tips: 7

Carbohydrates and Poor Weight Loss

  • In fact, we have recently departed so far from the physical lifestyle of our ancestors that there is now a common "metabolic syndrome" (aka "syndrome X" or "insulin resistance syndrome") of which type 2 diabetes is often part.
  • If you have become insulin resistant (many overweight people are insulin resistant without knowing it), it will seriously affect your ability to lose body fat if you eat foods high in carbohydrates as part of your weight loss diet. (It may also lead to type 2 diabetes.)
  • In other words, you will be attempting to lose weight but there will be very little to show in relation to your efforts. If this seems like your situation, then you should be counting carbs not calories. You need a low carbohydrate diet and you need to eliminate all processed (refined) carbohydrates from your diet.

You already have insulin resistance syndrome if you have three of the following five symptoms:

  1. A waist circumference of forty inches or more in males or thirty-four and one-half inches or more in females
  2. Blood pressure that is equal to or greater than 130/85
  3. Blood triglycerides equal to or greater than 150 mg/dL
  4. HDL ("good cholesterol) under 40 mg/dL in males or under 50 in females
  5. Fasting blood glucose that equals or exceeds 110 mg/dL.

If you have insulin resistance syndrome, do whatever your physician recommends. You are not just at increased risk for type 2 diabetes; you are also at increased risk for diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

(Note the similarities between your physician's recommendations and the total weight loss program recommended on this website.)

  • If you don't have it, you never have to have it if you adopt eating and exercise lifestyle similar to that of our Pleistocene ancestors. If you have already adopted such eating and exercise lifestyle, excellent! If you haven't and you value optimum health, please do so soon.
  • In Weight Loss Tips: Part 2 [the link is at the bottom of this page], we give you our top ten weight loss tips. You can then use them, every day, to eat better.
  • Once you are following the free program presented here on our website you will be able to eat more food than you are eating now without gaining body fat! You will also come off the weight-loss roller coaster and say goodbye to 'yo-yo' dieting.

Natural Weight Loss Tips: 8

Quick and Major Improvements

If your present eating habits are anything like typical and you decide to apply our natural weight loss tips, you should soon begin to feel a lot better.

How is this possible?

  • Well, it is possible because you will be able to make major nutritional improvements very quickly.
  • This is quite different from exercise in which attempting to make a major improvement quickly is dangerous.
  • With respect to weight loss tips for better nutrition, making major improvements is not only safe but also easier if you make them quickly.
  • First, when you commit yourself wholeheartedly all at once to doing whatever it takes, you are signaling a major shift to yourself and to those around you. This helps to realign all the forces in your world.
  • Second, in just a few days you'll notice how much better you feel. This will work to reinforce your new lifestyle.
  • It works the same in relation to weight loss tips for eating better. Improving our nutritional habits is best done wholesale rather than piecemeal. Improving your exercise and eating habits greatly increases your odds of being healthy.
  • For example, hypertension is often associated with being overweight. Even losing just as few as 5 or 10 pounds can begin to lower your blood pressure.
  • Moreover, high blood pressure increases the risk for a variety of cardiovascular diseases, including stroke, coronary artery disease, heart failure, and peripheral vascular disease.

Natural Weight Loss Tips: 9

What Can Be Done Immediately?

To answer that question, we have more weight loss tips for you.

Click on the first link, listed below, to get our top ten weight loss tips (Coming Soon)


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