
Obstacles to Weight Loss

Obstacles to weight loss

Obstacles to Weight Loss

Everyone can lose weight, which is not impossible, but there are some🙋‍♂️ obstacles or habits that the person practices that hinder him from losing weight or slow down the achievement of his goals to reach the weight he wants.

Weight is affected by many factors, such as how much fluid the body keeps, muscles added to the weight, and dietary patterns that a person follows affect their weight.

Bodyweight is one indicator of not losing weight, and a person should take other body measurements to ensure that they are achieving their weight loss goal or not.

Why Can't I Lose Weight?

Among the factors and reasons that prevent weight loss are:👌

Barriers related to eating habits:

  • Not keeping track of what someone eats

Eating leftovers from children or taking bites of food from time to time or frequently all of this undermines a person’s attempts to lose weight.👉 Weight loss comes from keeping track of a person’s foods, not omitting them.

  • Excessive calorie intake

Prepared foods, large quantities of food, and soft drinks are among the factors that impede weight loss, and snacks that a person eats should contain🔥 100 calories per serving and be between one or two amounts at most, and in no case should they reach 600 Calories.

  • Not concentrating when eating

  1. A person’s lack of focus on the type of foods he eats, when, and how often he eats food, will not reach his goal of losing weight. If a person does not pay attention or does not focus on the pattern he eats, he will forget what he is eating.
  2. Some studies have also shown that focusing when eating makes a person feel more about the taste of food and a sense of satiety, even in the presence of food.
  3. It also makes the person eat slowly, and this means giving time for the stomach to rest to signal the brain to tell the person that the amount he has eaten is enough and should stop.

  • eat fast

  1. Eating quickly leads to a person not realizing how much he is eating and making him overeat without realizing, and he has to get many calories.
  2. Studies have shown that eating slowly leads to less food and thus the ability to lose weight, and the speed with which food is eaten is a habit built in the long term. It is difficult for a person to eat slowly as long as he is not used to it.
  3. But It is not impossible at the same time to change this habit, which comes from training a person himself by counting the number of times he puts the fork on the plate until it reaches his mouth per minute.

Obstacles related to types of foods and nutrients:

  • Not eating enough protein.

Proteins help in better metabolism, give a feeling of fullness and satiety in a person, rebuild muscles and affect the regulation of some hormones that control weight.

Not eating an abundance of proteins prevents or impedes weight loss. If a person feels hungry throughout the day, after finishing his meal, or after completing his exercise, he can eat proteins, among the proteins that a person can eat to help lose weight: Proteins from animal sources such as lean meat, eggs, fish, and vegetable sources such as peanut butter, soybeans, oats, and nuts.

  • Not eating the right amount of fat.

Not eating the appropriate and healthy amount of fat leaves the person in a state of hunger and pushes him to eat more food. Some diets depend on fats to lose weight, and many studies have shown that maintaining the intake of fats in the diet or, sometimes, increasing its intake and not preventing it, as some belief, leads to weight loss.

Among the healthy fats that help lose weight: are olive oil, corn oil, sunflower oil, flaxseed oil and peanut butter, fatty fish such as salmon and mackerel, and green vegetables such as cabbage and spinach.

  • Excessive intake of carbohydrates

Diets that contain low-carb foods can effectively stop weight gain. Carbohydrates are the fuel that burns quickly and helps insulin levels rise quickly in the body and then drop, which leads to a person feeling hungry and wanting to eat more food. Among the foods that contain carbohydrates: are bananas, potatoes, bread, rice... It is better to eat grains of pure flour.

Excessive consumption of healthy fruits

Fruit is a healthy option for a person to eat on his diet. But like anything in life, it must be eaten in moderation because healthy foods similarly provide the body with calories, and therefore, healthy foods must be again moderated.

Eat a lot of processed foods.

Although calories have a significant impact on weight, whether a person eats or burns them, many studies conducted on obesity and weight loss showed that the quality of food is precisely the same as the quantity in terms of effect and contribution to getting rid of it of extra kilograms.

A recent study by the American Medical Foundation showed that the people in the study who quit eating processed foods - processed foods are foods that contain added sugars and are made from processed grains - could lose weight, and this shows that focusing on the quality of foods such as eating vegetables Regardless of calories, an individual can lose many kilograms of weight throughout the year.

Among the processed foods that cause weight gain: are potato chips, canned vegetables, and fruits.

Obstacles related to lack of exercise and movement:

Not doing cardio

Cardio exercises make the heartbeat and are essential for burning fat, improving metabolism, and improving mood, contributing to weight loss.

It is necessary to ensure that the exercises that the person practices are suitable for him and that the heart beats at an appropriate rate appropriate for his age and weight.

And about the contribution of cardio exercises to weight loss: Cardio exercises help burn fat and calories, which helps lose weight, improve heart health and strengthen it similarly so that it does not have to work hard to pump blood, increases lung capacity, and these exercises reduce the risk Heart attacks, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

Not doing strength exercises.

Muscles comprise burning fat; the more fat burned, the more power, so it is essential to practice strength exercises and muscle-building exercises to reach a suitable body shape, and many women avoid doing strength exercises for fear of muscle shape.

But there is no objection to a woman from practicing it, and she stops when she reaches a reasonable level of the form she accepts. Strength exercises help increase muscle as the body burns calories more efficiently. The more power, the better control of weight loss.

Obstacles related to fluid intake pattern:

Not drinking water

Whoever wants to lose weight must drink plenty of water, as most studies show that water is not only valid for the functions of the body’s organs and compensates for the lost fluids due to sweat, but water contributes to a person’s feeling of satiety even while eating his main meals and does not make the person excessively filling Layer with food.

Drink fruit juices

Fruit juices are healthy and contain many nutritional values ​​and support the person with vitality, but they have high levels of calories and sugars, so it is better to eat fruits and not fruit juices because they contain concentrated amounts of sugars, which add to the weight.

Barriers related to medical conditions:

Some medical conditions hinder the person from losing weight if he wants to and even make the person vulnerable to gaining weight, and if the person tries, but to no avail, he should consult the attending physician.

Among the cases that impede weight loss is exposure to stress, the body’s resistance to insulin, and some medications prescribed to a person to lose weight, but after consulting a specialist doctor to help him lose weight.

Other obstacles:

Obstacles to Weight Loss

extreme hunger

There is a big difference between hunger and fasting. And extreme hunger does not help lose weight. Depriving the body of food means an imbalance in the metabolism and exposes the body’s organs to stress. Hunger hinders weight loss, as signals are sent to the brain that the body is in a state of starvation and needs to eat anything to fill its hunger, so it overheats when it feels starving.

Not sleeping well

The brain that does not get enough sleep and rest is the brain that searches for its fuel from carbohydrates and calories, and then the person finds himself motivated to eat foods, especially carbohydrates and sugars, and the lack of sleep affects the hormones that regulate human weight.

The body does not need to lose weight.

If a person’s body does not respond to the changes that he follows with his eating routine or the pattern of sports he exercises to lose weight, he does not have more kilograms to fail, meaning that he does not need to lose weight.

If the weight is perfect and healthy, but it still needs some change, he must consult a doctor or specialist to build muscles, and the person must have conviction and flexibility with what he has reached and what his body is like.


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