
How to lose Weight with Hormone Balance

Whether it’s been from your doctor, your trainer, or some random person on the internet, you’ve probably come across the term hormone balance at least once in your life, but what does it mean?

And how does it relate to my weight loss goals?

How often have you heard that losing weight isn’t just about calories in and out?

How to Lose Weight with Hormone Balance

Hormones play an integral role in how our bodies burn fat and synthesize lean muscle tissue. Optimizing hormone levels will dramatically help you reach your fitness goals faster than dieting alone.

Our bodies are complex machines controlled by many control systems, one of which is our endocrine system. When we’re healthy, these control systems work in unison to help keep us fit and productive.

When something goes wrong with our endocrine system (such as a hormone imbalance), it can cause various health issues, including weight gain.

If you’ve struggled with weight for most of your life or haven’t been able to lose stubborn fat no matter what you do, it may be time to ask yourself, Am I suffering from a hormone imbalance?

Even if you have not experienced consistent weight gain or obesity, it could still be worth looking at your hormone levels.

What is Hormone Balance?

  1. Your hormones are a big part of what makes you who you are. But sometimes, they can get out of balance.
  2. If that happens, it could affect your health and even your weight. Having too many or too few hormones can make you sick or obese, especially if you have insulin resistance, which means your body has trouble controlling sugar in your blood.
  3. It’s essential to know how to spot imbalances and change, maintain hormone balance and lose weight at a healthy pace.

What to know about hormonal balances?

The body’s hormones work together in harmony. The pituitary gland, hypothalamus, and thyroid all play a vital role in keeping your body’s hormones balanced. They may not lose weight or gain weight as quickly when they are out of balance.

And when your hormones are balanced, you will achieve your weight loss goals more quickly!

Many people with hormonal imbalances have overcome them by working with qualified medical professionals and specialists at places like Medical City Dallas.

So if you have tried everything else, from exercise to low-calorie diets and even taking diet pills, but still aren’t losing any weight or having difficulty gaining it back once you’ve lost it, it may be time for hormone therapy for obesity.


  • Over time, certain hormones, such as insulin and estrogen (female hormone), get out of balance. This imbalance can lead to a condition called hormone imbalance, in which one or more hormones are out of whack.
  • Sometimes, just one hormone might be affected by an illness or condition, but several are usually thrown off-kilter at once.
  • A typical example of hormone imbalance is a polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), where high levels of male hormones like testosterone make it difficult for women to lose weight.


  • Aside from a congenital disability, hormone imbalance can also be caused by consuming too much sugar or food additives.
  • Keep in mind that most processed foods contain artificial sweeteners and fillers designed to keep you coming back for more.
  • It’s essential to include as many whole foods (natural, unprocessed foods) in your diet as possible, especially if you want to lose weight safely and efficiently.

The function of the Endocrine System

The endocrine system maintains balance within your body by producing hormones that control growth, reproduction, metabolism, and body temperature.

The endocrine system also aids in maintaining homeostasis, a steady state of equilibrium among cells and organs throughout your body.

For example, if you’re standing outside in 25-degree weather with a light jacket on, you’ll shiver to warm yourself up.

Your nervous system will activate nerves in your skin and muscles that tell them to generate heat through muscle contractions so you can return to an average body temperature.

How Are Hormones Secreted in the Body?

  • For a hormone to be secreted, it must first be created in an endocrine gland.
  • For example, cortisol is produced by your adrenal glands.
  • Once it’s been made, hormones are stored and released into blood vessels that lead to cells all over your body.
  • As a hormone travels through your bloodstream and eventually enters a cell, it can tell that cell what to do. After entering a cell, many hormones attach themselves to molecules called receptors on that cell’s surface.

Types of Hormones

  1. Several types of hormones impact weight gain. Insulin and insulin-like growth factors affect how food is used as energy or stored as fat.
  2. Cortisol and leptin also regulate metabolism, but in different ways. Here’s a quick overview of what each hormone does and some strategies for balancing them out.
  3. Remember that none of these things will happen overnight; your body naturally adjusts to changes slowly.
  4. Leptin: Leptin controls appetite by informing your brain when full or satiated. Too much body fat causes resistance to leptin and signals hunger when your body has plenty of energy stores.
  5. Strategies to lower excess body fat include eating healthy foods, exercising regularly, drinking enough water, getting good sleep, stress management techniques like meditation and yoga practice, etc.

Common Signs that You Need Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

While several symptoms can show you need hormone replacement therapy, here are a few of them:

  • Weight gain/weight loss
  • Unexplained depression
  • Hot flashes
  • Irregular menstrual cycle
  • Loss of energy
  • Loss of libido
  • Constipation
  • Hair loss
  • Feeling anxious or depressed
  • Memory lapses
  • Cognitive dysfunction (brain fog)
  • Increased risk for diabetes
  • Decreased stake for heart disease

How to get tested for hormones:

You can get tested for your hormone levels at any age. It’s essential to start regular checks if you experience some of these signs, but it’s unnecessary.

How is Menopause treated with Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT)?

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) with Natural Progesterone and/or Natural estrogen can help patients through Menopause safely.

Bioidentical hormones are exactly like those made in a woman’s body, but unlike synthetic hormones, which have been associated with an increased risk of breast cancer and other health issues, bioidentical hormones are derived from food-grade plant sources such as soy or yams.

They have a very similar chemical structure to natural human estrogens and progesterone and do not cause an increase in risk for cancer.

BHRT with natural progesterone has been shown to protect against osteoporosis by slowing bone loss.

How Is Adrenal Fatigue Treated with BHRT?

  • When adrenal fatigue sets in, it becomes necessary to support hormone balance.
  • While proper nutrition and lifestyle choices can do much for overcoming adrenal fatigue and regaining hormonal health, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is often an essential part of a holistic treatment plan.
  • Some symptoms of adrenal fatigue may improve with BHRT, while others will require additional care. Read on to learn more about how BHRT works on adrenal fatigue.


If you’re looking to lose weight, it helps to understand hormone balance and how balancing your hormones can help you achieve optimal health. With so many factors affecting our hormone levels, determining normal can be a challenge.

However, when your hormone levels are out of whack, there’s no telling what symptoms could manifest in your body, and they may even disrupt future attempts at losing weight.


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