How to get more fiber on keto diet meal plan

How to get more fiber on keto diet meal plan

Importance of Fiber on a Keto Diet is crucial for digestive health and can aid in maintaining a healthy weight. While the ketogenic diet emphasizes low carbs, it's essential not to overlook fiber-rich foods. Foods like avocado, chia seeds, broccoli, and berries are fiber-rich and keto-friendly.

fiber on keto diet

Benefits of Getting Enough Fiber on a Keto Diet

Incorporating fiber-rich foods into your keto diet plan can:

  • Improve digestion
  • Enhance satiety, reducing overeating
  • Regulate blood sugar levels
  • Support heart health.

Challenges of Getting Enough Fiber on a Keto Diet 

Many high-fiber foods are also high in carbs, making them less keto-friendly. However, concentrating on high-fiber keto foods like nuts, seeds, leafy greens, and certain vegetables can help. 

Fiber supplements like psyllium husk can also be an excellent addition to boost fiber intake without increasing carb consumption.

Remember, while the keto diet emphasizes reducing carbohydrates, it's essential to prioritize and include fiber-rich foods for optimal health benefits.

What is fiber?

Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that the body cannot digest. It passes through the digestive system mostly intact.

There are two main types: soluble fiber dissolves in water, and insoluble fiber does not.

Fiber provides many health benefits, like promoting gut health, increasing satiety, aiding digestion, and preventing constipation.

Getting adequate fiber from keto-friendly foods like vegetables, nuts, and seeds is important on the ketogenic diet.

Why is fiber important for health?

Fiber provides many essential health benefits. It promotes gut health and digestion, increases satiety to support weight management, regulates blood sugar levels, lowers cholesterol, and prevents constipation.

Getting adequate fiber ensures proper bowel movements and reduces the risk of colon cancer. Aim for 25–35 grams daily from keto-friendly foods like vegetables, nuts, seeds, and supplements to reap fiber's numerous health benefits.

High-Fiber Keto-Friendly Foods

When following a ketogenic diet, it's important to focus on keto-friendly foods that are also high in Fiber to ensure adequate fiber intake.

The following are some of the best Fiber on a Keto Diet options:


One whole avocado provides 10 grams of Fiber. Their healthy fats help keep you full, too.

Chia seeds 

Just 1 ounce of chia seeds packs 10 grams of Fiber. They are versatile and can be added to smoothies, yogurt, oatmeal, etc.


2 tablespoons of flaxseeds contain 4 grams of Fiber. Flaxseeds provide both soluble and insoluble Fiber.


1 cup of chopped broccoli has 5 grams of Fiber. Broccoli is a low-carb vegetable that most people find palatable.


Cauliflower contains 2 grams of Fiber per cup. Riced cauliflower is a great low-carb substitute for rice.

Brussels sprouts 

1 cup of Brussels sprouts provides 3 grams of fiber. Roast Brussels sprouts for a healthy side dish.

Leafy greens 

Like spinach and kale, they are packed with vitamins and minerals. They also provide 3–4 grams of Fiber per cooked cup.


A crunchy snack perfect for dips, celery is low in carbs but offers a decent amount of fiber.


This versatile vegetable can be spiralized into noodles or used in baking, providing fiber and flavor to keto dishes.


Mostly water, cucumbers are refreshing and offer a small but significant amount of fiber.


Like raspberries and blackberries, they offer 4 grams of Fiber per cup and provide sweetness.

Nuts and seeds

Like almonds, pecans, pumpkin seeds, etc., they offer 2-3 grams of Fiber per ounce.

Fortunately, several keto-friendly foods are low in carbs and high in Fiber.

Fiber on a Keto Diet Supplements

Getting adequate fiber on keto can be challenging due to limits on high-fiber foods like fruit, beans, and whole grains. Fiber supplements provide an easy way to increase your daily fiber intake.

Popular options on the keto diet include:

Psyllium husk 

Provides 5 grams of soluble fiber per teaspoon. It can be mixed into water, smoothies, or yogurt.


Contains psyllium husk, plus vitamins and minerals. Offers 3 grams per serving of soluble fiber.


Derived from the Konjac plant. Absorbs water and expands in the stomach to promote fullness. The dosage is 1–4 grams.


Prebiotic fiber supplement made from Has minimal impact on blood sugar. Start with small doses and build up slowly.

Fiber on keto Dietary supplements allow the easy addition of extra grams of fiber on keto without excess carbs or calories. They help normalize bowel movements and support other health benefits of fiber, too.

Role of Fiber on a Keto Diet

Fiber in the keto diet plays an important role in the ketogenic diet, despite the restrictions on high-carb foods. Getting adequate fiber on keto provides many benefits related to digestion, blood sugar, weight loss, and gut health.

How Fiber Affects Digestion on Keto

Fiber normalizes bowel movements and prevents constipation. This is especially important on keto since constipation is a common side effect due to lower carb intake.

Soluble fiber in foods like avocados, nuts, and flaxseeds dissolves into a gel-like consistency and slows digestion. This delays stomach emptying and promotes satiety.

Insoluble fiber from leafy greens, cauliflower, and celery passes through the intestines intact. It adds bulk and promotes regularity.

Together, soluble and insoluble fiber keep digestion regular. Aim for 25–35 grams of fiber daily from a mix of keto-friendly foods and supplements.

How fiber impacts blood sugar on keto

Fiber, although a carbohydrate, has minimal impact on blood sugar levels. Soluble fiber slows digestion and the absorption of glucose.

Studies show that increased fiber intake improves insulin sensitivity and glycemic control. This helps regulate blood sugar levels, which is beneficial on a low-carb ketogenic diet.

Specific fiber-rich foods for keto, like avocados, chia seeds, nuts, non-starchy vegetables, and berries, provide fiber without disrupting ketosis.

How Fiber Promotes Weight Loss on Keto

Fiber increases satiety due to its expansive effects and influence on gut hormones. This leads to decreased calorie intake and increased weight loss.

One study found people following a high-fiber keto diet lost 50% more weight over 12 weeks than those on a standard keto diet. Fiber correlates with reduced body weight.

Fiber also binds to fat and cholesterol in the intestines, preventing their absorption and promoting weight loss.

How Fiber Supports Gut Health on Keto

The gut microbiome feeds on soluble fiber and produces beneficial short-chain fatty acids. Fiber serves as a prebiotic.

A high-fiber keto diet supports a diverse, healthy microbiome. It reduces inflammation and the risk of gastrointestinal conditions.

Focus on getting at least 25–30 grams of daily fiber on keto. Emphasize keto-friendly fiber foods like low-carb vegetables, berries, avocados, nuts, seeds, and targeted supplements.

Fiber is imperative on keto for optimizing digestion, blood sugar, weight loss results, and gut health despite the dietary restrictions. With planning, keto eaters can meet their fiber needs.

Strategies to Incorporate More Fiber on a Keto Diet

Getting adequate fiber on keto requires intention. Follow these tips:

Increase high-fiber keto foods

Emphasize low-carb, high-fiber foods like leafy greens, avocados, broccoli, cauliflower, berries, nuts, and seeds. Try to incorporate these at each meal. Shoot for 25–35 grams of fiber daily.

Double up on non-starchy veggies and add extra greens. For example, make zucchini noodles and top them with spinach. Snack on celery with nuts.

Incorporate fiber into a keto diet supplement

Supplement with psyllium husk, flaxseeds, chia seeds, and/or keto-friendly fiber blends. They add fiber without excess carbs.

Start small with supplements to avoid gas or bloating. Slowly increase the dosage to 5–10 grams from supplements.

Use fiber-rich ingredients in this method 

Add fiber boosters like flax meal, chia seeds, almond flour, and coconut flour to keto baked goods, pancakes, breads, etc.

Blend greens into smoothies or add them to omelets, frittatas, soups, and casseroles.

Replace regular noodles with zucchini or cabbage noodles. Use mashed cauliflower in place of potatoes.

Meal Plan and Prep Fiber on a Keto Diet

Meal-prep high-fiber keto foods like chia pudding, zucchini lasagna, and avocado chocolate mousse for quick grabs.

Plan meals around a fiber-focused vegetable as the main component. Get creative with preparation.

Eat more nuts, seeds, and low-carb veggies as snacks between meals. Consider a daily green smoothie.

With intention and planning, it's possible to meet fiber goals on a ketogenic diet and reap the digestive and health benefits.

How do I get enough fiber on keto?

To get adequate fiber on the keto diet, focus on low-carb, high-fiber foods like leafy greens, avocados, nuts, seeds, and vegetables.

Aim for 25–35 grams of fiber daily. Supplement with psyllium husk, chia seeds, or flax if needed. Meal-prepping fiber-rich foods and planning high-fiber keto meals make meeting goals easier.

How to get 30g of fiber on keto?

To get 30 grams of fiber on the keto diet:

  • Eat plenty of low-carb veggies, greens, nuts, seeds, avocados, and berries.
  • Supplement with 10 grams of fiber from psyllium husk, chia seeds, or flaxseeds.
  • Meal prep using high-fiber keto foods like zucchini, broccoli, and cauliflower. 

Focus each meal around a fiber-rich vegetable or add leafy greens. This fiber intake supports gut health and weight loss.

How to get 25g fiber on keto?

To get enough fiber on a keto diet:

  • Focus on eating fibrous veggies, leafy greens, avocados, nuts, and seeds.
  • Aim for 10–15 g of fiber from keto-friendly foods like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, leafy greens, and chia seeds.
  • Supplement with 5–10 g of psyllium husk or flaxseed.

Meal-prepping zucchini noodles, cauliflower rice, and chia pudding makes hitting 25 g of daily fiber easier. This fiber intake benefits gut health and digestion on keto.

How can I get more fiber without carbs?

To increase fiber intake without excess carbs on keto, focus on low-carb vegetables like leafy greens, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, and zucchini. Avocados, berries, nuts, and seeds provide fiber without disrupting ketosis. 

Excellent keto-friendly supplements include psyllium husk, chia seeds, flaxseeds, and inulin fiber supplements. 

When consumed in moderation, these provide soluble and insoluble fiber for gut health without significantly impacting net carbs. Tracking total carbs versus fiber content ensures adequate fiber intake on keto.


Fiber remains crucial on a ketogenic diet despite carbohydrate restriction. Prioritizing high-fiber, low-carb keto foods like leafy greens, nuts, seeds, avocados, and fibrous vegetables can help meet the 25–35 grams per day target. 

Supplementing with psyllium husk, chia, or flaxseeds also boosts fiber intake. With intention, keto eaters can optimize digestion, gut health, satiety, and weight loss by ensuring adequate daily fiber from keto-friendly whole foods and supplemental sources.


National Library of Medicine. Dietary Reference Intakes Proposed Definition of Dietary Fiber.


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