A vegetarian diet | Benefits risks and tips 2022

A vegetarian diet | Benefits risks and tips 2022

A vegetarian diet for weight loss has gained popularity for a long time. This principle of nutrition will not only help get rid of extra pounds but also improve the body and improve overall health.

As a result, a person will be energetic and full of energy, with a good mood and increased mental activity.

We will tell you who is contraindicated for this diet, the basic principles of nutrition, and the menu for the whole week.

What to know about the vegetarian diet?

A vegetarian diet

A vegetarian diet is a system of food consumption that excludes the intake of meat and fish products for a certain period of time and is also characterized by a variety and heterogeneity of dietary preferences.

Anthropologists and scientists argue a lot about the importance of meat in human evolution. With the help of science, it was proved that the brain became so only through the use of meat.

This is due to the fact that the human brain consumes 20% of all daily calories, despite the fact that it only takes up 2% of our body weight.

While the diet of our ancestors consisted mainly of meat, modern people are increasingly refusing to eat it.

Experts estimate that now approximately 375 million people are vegetarians. By the way, in India, they eat without meat since the 6th century BC. e.

Types of vegetarian diet

The diet implies different degrees of complexity:

  1. Ovo-lacto-vegetarian: a diet without meat and fish, it is allowed to eat eggs and dairy products.
  2. Ovo-vegetarianism: a diet without meat, fish, and dairy products, only eggs are allowed.
  3. Lacto-vegetarians: a diet without meat, fish, and eggs, only dairy products are allowed.

For those who are especially brave, you can also refuse honey with gelatin.

What is allowed to eat?

Many mistakenly think that a vegetarian diet, diet is very poor. In fact, there are a large number of permitted products:

  • Fresh, boiled, baked, stewed, or steamed, and grilled vegetables.
  • Fruits (except bananas).
  • Bried fruits and nuts.
  • Berries (except grapes).
  • Vegetable soups.
  • Salads from vegetables and fruits.
  • Legumes.
  • Cereals.
  • Tofu.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Bran or whole-grain bread.

For drinks, it is better to give preference to pure water, herbal teas, freshly squeezed vegetables, and fruit juices.

Principles of a vegetarian diet

This type of food includes a number of mandatory rules that must not be forgotten. It is not enough to give up only meat, fish, and products derived from them.

  • The calorie content of the food eaten should be about 1200-1500 kcal per day.
  • Give up mayonnaise, other sauces, fast food, bakery products, and sweets.
  • Observe fractional meals about 5-6 times a day in small portions.
  • Serving should not be more than 500 grams.
  • Do not eat food before bedtime, it is better to refuse meals 4 hours in advance.
  • Reduce salt intake (can be replaced with lemon juice).
  • Maintain water balance.
  • Give up smoking and alcohol.
  • Increase physical activity.
  • Refuse salty, fried, sour, and pickled.

If you have chosen a strict diet option, see a doctor or specialist who will select a multivitamin for you.

A vegetarian diet is best followed in summer or autumn. It is also important to remember that entering and leaving a new diet should be gradual.

Otherwise, the body will experience severe stress, as a result of indigestion and weight gain. Reduce portions of meat a week before the diet and, conversely, at the end of the diet 10 days in advance, start introducing small portions of meat products into the diet.

How can dangerous anemia be prevented?


Specialists from the German nutrition society have made a statement that it is not recommended to give up meat and meat products to children, pregnant or lactating women, as well as adolescents.

So, for example, in Belgium, if parents make vegetarians out of their children by force, criminal punishment is provided, and you can even go to jail.

Doctors advise abandoning such a diet for the elderly, those who have a weakened immune system, suffer from chronic diseases, or have undergone surgery or illness.

Benefits of a Vegetarian Diet

A vegetarian diet has a beneficial effect on the composition of the intestinal microbiota due to the positive properties of dietary fiber indigestible carbohydrates, polyphenols, and fiber, which are part of plant-based foods. Reduces the load on the gastrointestinal tract.

Such a diet will help reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases by 40%. Those who follow this diet have a high Bacteroidetes/Firmicutes ratio (low in people with obesity, and dyslipidemia).

The level of trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO) also decreases, and at a high level, the risk of developing atherosclerosis increases.

Blood vessels are cleansed, as a result, blood pressure and blood sugar are normalized (important for diabetics). The level of cholesterol decreases.

It is noted that increases efficiency and mental activity. Healthy skin color appears, and the aging process slows down. The energy reserve of the body increases. It even increases life expectancy.

The condition of all human organs improves due to the activation of regenerative processes, harmful toxins, waste products, and processed products are removed from the body, and metabolism is accelerated.

There is a decrease in the amount of phosphorus in the blood and urine (a positive effect for people with problem kidneys). Reduces the risk of kidney stones and sand formation, as well as the occurrence of diverticulitis.

Plant foods contain a minimum amount of calories and fat, which is why it is allowed to eat in large quantities. On such a diet, you can throw off about 4 kg in 2 weeks.

Cons of a Vegetarian Diet

The proteins in plant foods are less digestible than the proteins in meat. Because of this, you need to double the number of vegetables and fruits compared to meat in ordinary life.

Medicine claims that the body without food of animal origin weakens the immune system, and frequent colds can begin.

In vegetables and fruits, there is no vitamin B12, the minimum amount of other B vitamins, and some amino acids.

Without the use of fermented milk products, the process of hematopoiesis does not work well and the functionality of the nervous system decreases.

Refusal of animal protein causes a deficiency of zinc and iron, from milk and eggs - calcium and protein.

Vegetarians often develop gastritis, as plant foods aggressively act on the acid of the stomach lining. In the first days of the diet, bloating is formed from the excess fiber.

Menu for 7 days


Breakfast: buckwheat porridge in the water (130 g).

Lunch: soy soup (1 serving), salad (120 g), and bran bread (1 slice).

Dinner: rice (130 g), baked eggplant (120 g).


Breakfast: rice porridge (150 g), cheese, and egg (1 pc.).

Lunch: vegetable salad dressed with olive oil and lemon juice (150 g).

Dinner: baked potatoes with zucchini (200 g), rye bread (1 slice).


Breakfast: bulgur (150 g), apple and pear fruit salad with yogurt (120 g).

Lunch: vegetable broth (1 portion), fresh vegetables (150 g), orange (1 pc.), Cereal bread (2 slices).

Dinner: vegetable stew with mushrooms (150 g).


Breakfast: a sandwich with grain bread, egg, cucumber and herbs, kefir (1 glass).

Lunch: stewed beans (200 g), fruits (100 g).

Dinner: boiled potatoes (200 g), green bean, and tomato salad (150 g).


Breakfast: oatmeal in the water (200 g), orange (1 pcs), And yogurt (1 cup).

Lunch: lentil soup puree (1 plate), cabbage and carrot salad (200 g), kiwi fruit (2 pcs.).

Dinner: vegetable caviar (250 g).


Breakfast: cottage cheese with berries and yogurt (150 g).

Lunch: vegetable soup (1 serving), vinaigrette (150 g), apple (2 pcs.).

Dinner: stewed cabbage with mushrooms (200 g), bread rolls (2 pcs.), kefir (1 glass).


Breakfast: rice and broccoli casserole (150 g), freshly squeezed juice (1 cup).

Lunch: miso soup (1 bowl), rye bread (2 slices), vegetable salad (150 g).

Dinner: grilled vegetables (200 g), assorted cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, carrots and olives (150 g), pear (1 piece).

It is important to note that you can sit on a vegetarian diet for no more than one month. It is recommended to take monthly breaks, as the body must restore the lack of nutrients.


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