Weight Loss Hypnosis

Weight Loss Hypnosis

When Everything Else Fails, Your Mind Can Work the Magic deep sleep hypnosis weight loss

Weight Loss Hypnosis

Have you heard of weight loss hypnosis?

Would you put yourself through the procedure?

The ideal would be for everyone to lose weight through traditional methods like healthy diet plans and exercising, but, unfortunately, for some people, it just seems impossible. Well, believe it or not, they still have a chance through this revolutionary procedure.

Most people associate hypnosis with the stage shows in which people are made to bark like dogs, flip their “wings” like chickens, or act like slaves, but it is actually quite an effective clinical tool, being legitimately used to treat allergies, anxiety, asthma, bedwetting, burns, colitis, depression, hemophilia, hypertension, learning disorders, pain, sexual dysfunction, ulcers, and other afflictions, but especially obesity.

Several studies have been performed on people of both genders and from several age categories and the results were undeniably in favor of using hypnosis, proving that people subject to hypnosis lose 97% more weight during the treatment and the post-treatment efficiency is increased by 146%.

Weight loss hypnosis follows three directions:

  1. Imagination–subjects are encouraged to use their imagination to bring about the things they want. For example, an obese patient may be asked to imagine himself slim and toned. It will not be enough for the patient to look like that, but it will motivate him to fight for what he wants and forget about appetite and cravings.
  2. Suggestions–they seem to have a great impact on the patient’s mind when they are compatible with the patient’s ideas, and they become a very effective loss, and other objectives as well.
  3. Exploring the unconscious–it can be very effective to understand the patient’s motivations, fears, or experiences and discover the problems that prevent the patient from obtaining the desired results.

  • Of course, the excellent results got with hypnosis are often overshadowed by myths like humiliation, losing the will, or temporary amnesia, but those are rumors based on insufficient information and on people’s tendency to associate hypnosis with stage acts.
  • As long as the patient is motivated, and the hypnotherapist is well prepared, nothing can go wrong.
  • Hypnosis does not involve the patient being completely under the control of the hypnotist and cannot be imposed on anyone. It is a method more and more people choose in order to facilitate accomplishing their goals. The hypnotist is just a guide.
  • Of course, hypnosis works differently from one person to another, depending on the motivation, but also on the susceptibility to the treatment.
  • Another important factor that influences the results is the hypnotherapist’s training not only in hypnosis but also in treatment considerations, not to mention that studies show that some therapists have higher capacity and natural talent than others.
  • Weight loss hypnosis is definitely an alternative worth considering, especially for people suffering from obesity, which are highly motivated, but who have a lifestyle that does not leave much time and choices for exercising and dieting.

Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss

  • Although nutritionists and physicians advise people to lose weight through the old fashion methods, like diets and exercising, you probably know for yourself that, sometimes, the results delay appearing and that a little push, like a session of hypnotherapy for weight loss, might work miracles.
  • At first, we did not know if we should encourage this method, because we know people are quite reticent about hypnosis, especially since most of them associate the procedure with stage performances and public humiliation of people who are asked to fool around, bark like dogs or who knows what else.
  • However, it is our duty to stay up to date with the latest discoveries on the subject, and hypnosis is growing in popularity exponentially. Studies show it not only enhances the results, but it also prolongs the efficiency of other weight loss treatments.
  • We, therefore, had to provide you with the latest information on the subject, and with the chance to see your dreams come true.

Improved Results with the Same Efforts

There are two major conditions for hypnosis to work: the patient should be highly motivated to lose weight (the higher the motivation, the better the results) and the hypnotherapist should be not only gifted but also well-trained.

The second part is obviously the hypnotherapist’s responsibility, and the renowned ones have the certifications. As for the first part, our guess is that if you were not motivated enough, you would not be looking for information on hypnotherapy for weight loss or any other methods.

So, once you have the information you need, all that is left is for you to make the final decision. Before you do it, we advise you to take your time, consider your options and only contact a hypnotherapist when you are sure this is what you want to do.

Of course, if you have questions, we would be happy to answer them, although most of the answers can be easily found online.

Assuming everything is in order and you decide to go for it, you should know that the purpose of hypnotherapy is to help you accept yourself for who you really are and understand yourself better, to help you overcome your cravings and the tendency to dive in food every time you have a problem; it will help you embrace an alternative lifestyle, one that will allow you not only to lose weight but also to maintain the results for a long period.

If you have tried other weight loss methods before, you probably know already that each one of them has faults.

We are not saying that hypnotherapy for weight loss is infallible, but it sure does a great job helping people combine the other methods and get better results following them, no matter if their goal is to lose just a couple of pounds or more, such as 20, 50 or 100 pounds.


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